Mile End Park

Tower Hamlets

Mile End Park is a 92 acre leisure project designed to reflect its urban surroundings, located in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.



The park is linear and was created on industrial land devastated by World War II bombing.  It follows the Regent’s Canal from Victoria Park to Limehouse Basin, and is separated from the southern edge of Victoria Park by the Hertford Union Canal.

LB Tower Hamlets

  • 92 acre Millennium Project
  • Planning Approval for buildings on Metropolitan Open Land
  • Massive effect on regeneration of surrounding area in East London
  • Extensive public consultation to establish features within park
  • Intensification of use, revenue generation within park for upkeep
  • Wide range of uses and interests accommodated:
    • Children’s Park with earth sheltered building
    • Ecology Park with earth sheltered public exhibition building
    • Art Park with earth sheltered public exhibition building
    • Shops, cafes and restaurants
    • Adventure playground and go-karts centre
    • Main route through park uninterrupted by roads or viaducts
    • 3 ‘Passive Annual Heatstore” buildings minimise demand for heating and cooling
    • Irrigation, lake water and building water provided from boreholes
    • Wide biodiversity introduced to park

Work carried out by Warren Howling while Associate Director at GSA.

Contact us.

To discuss our work, services, or how we can help you achieve your development, extension or refurbishment goals, then simply fill and submit the form. Alternatively, you can call or email us directly.